Thursday, June 4, 2009

J.C. Meeroff M.D., Ph.D


More than thirty years experience in Gastroenterology and GI Endoscopy and has published 80 scientific articles in English and more than 100 articles in other languages. Broad experience in Administration, Clinical Medicine, Biostatistics and Medical Education.


Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine, University of Miami, Division of Gastroenterology. Private Practice as Director of the Institute of Integrative Medicine in South Florida. Carries IM, GI and Endoscopy privileges at: Imperial Point, Holy Cross, West Boca, Parkcreek, Boca Outpatiet and Veterans Administration Hospitals.


CLINICAL: Skilled in physical diagnosis, interpretation of laboratory tests and clinical pharmacology. Extensive experience with most endoscopic and other diagnostic GI procedures. Has designed and constructed a multipurpose hydraulic biopsy device.

EDUCATIONAL: Has taught medical students and post graduate trainees for 20 years. Familiar with modern methods of biomedical education including the use of computers. Developed a methodology for the use of logic algorithms for teaching purposes. Designed and implemented programs for teaching physical diagnosis, clinical biostatistics and laboratory medicine. Skilled in the use of audiovisual and other teaching aids. Versed in pedagogic and andragogic methods of teaching medical students and post graduates.

RESEARCH: Skilled in the use of common laboratory procedures. Experienced with small animal models for ulcer disease. Can use isotopic techniques. Versed in experimental design and biostatistical inference. Familiar with all aspects of basic and clinical human research.

MANAGEMENT: Has supervised up to 70 subordinates. Familiar with all aspects of hospital, office and personnel management. Skilled in preparation of budgets and allocation of funds. Fully trained in medical economics. Familiar with cost containment and alternate methods of medical delivery. Fully bilingual, English and Spanish.


ECFMG Certificate # 259-819-1 FLEX Certificate # 41804

Tennessee License MD 01804 Florida License # 41305

Internal Medicine (ABIM), GI (RA), Nuclear Medicine (RA).

1968 - 1971 UBA Med School, Argentina, PhD (with honors)

1959 - 1964 UBA Med School, Argentina, MD (with honors)

1954 - 1958 M.Moreno College, Argentina, BS (with honors)


1977 - 1978 Harvard: Residency in Internal Medicine.

1976 - 1977 Lahey Clinic: Fellowship in Endoscopy.

1973 - 1974 UCLA: Fellowship in Gastroenterology.

1971 - 1973 Mayo Clinic: Fellowship in Gastroenterology.

1970 - 1971 CNEA: Fellowship in Nuclear Medicine.

1969 - 1970 UBA: Fellowship in Clinical Biostatistics.

1967 - 1969 UBA: Fellowship in Gastroenterology.

1966- 1967 UBA: Residency in Internal medicine

1965 - 1966 UBA: Internship.


2001 - Pres Associate Prof. Of Medicine , U of Miami, FL.

1994 - 2000 Clinical Associate Prof. Medicine, U of Miami, FL

1986 - 1993 Clinical Assistant Prof.Medicine, U of Miami, FL.

1983 - 1985 Associate Prof.Medicine, Meharry Med Col, TN.

1980 - 1983 Assist.Prof Medicine, MUSC, SC

1978 - 1980 Assist.Prof.Medicine, U of Oklahoma, OK.

1974 - 1976 Senior Investigator in Gastroenterology , UBA, RA.

1970 - 1972 Instructor in Medicine, UBA, RA


2000 - Pres Agrolande Foundation. Principles for a new medical philosophy.

1993 - 1997 AgroLande Foundation. Gastroduodenal infections.

Treatment modalities for H. Pylori.

1983 - 1991 AgroLande Foundation. GI Cytoprotection.

1982 MUSC Sponsored Programs. Randomized double blind trial of antiulcer regimens.

1981 MUSC Sponsored Programs. Randomized double blind trial of antiulcer drugs.

1981 Glaxo Research Division. Long term Ranitidine vs Cimetidine for the treatment of duodenal ulcers.

1981 Glaxo Research Division. Short term Ranitidine vs Cimetidine for the treatment of duodenal ulcers.

1980 Boheringer Ingelheim. Gastrozepine in duodenal ulcers.

1980 MUSC Sponsored Programs. Role of cytoprotection in gastric ulcer healing.

1978 Veterans Administration Sponsored Programs. Effect of oxiferriscorbone in preventing experimental stress induced hemorrhagic gastric lesions.

1978 Veterans Administration Sponsored Programs. Serum magnesium levels after regular antacid therapy.

1978 U of Oklahoma sponsored programs. Definition of broad beta adrenergic action on gastric peptic secretion.

1975 Merck Foundation. Gastric secretory functions in ulcer disease.

1974 A.Posadas Foundation. The effect of metoclopramide on gastric secretion.

1971 Montpellier Foundation. Pharmacology of tetrahydroxi-aluminum dioxide 2-monotirosinate.

1968 - 1970 A.Posadas Foundation. Electrolytes in gastric secretion.

1967 A.Posadas Foundation. Ultrastructure & Immunohistochemistry of human gastric mucosa.


2005 WBMC CME Physician Recognition Award

1980, 1988,

1991 AMA - CME Physician Recognition Award.

1974 Sintyal Award SAGE. The effect of Metoclopramide on human gastric emptying and secretion.

1971 Honorary Member Uruguay GI Society.


1974 Albert Einstein Research Center (CIMAE), RA.

1973 - 1974 Eli Lilly & Co, Indianapolis, Indiana.

1972 - 1973 Mayo Clinic Foundation, Rochester, Minnesota.

1970 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark.


American College of Gastroenterology.

American College of Physicians.

American College of Sports Medicine.

American Gastroenterological Association.

American Medical Soccer Association.

American Medical Athletic Association.

American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy.

Argentine College of Gastroenterology.

Argentine Medical Association.

Argentine Society of Gastroenterology.

Florida Gastroenterologic Society.

Interamerican College of Physicians & Surgeons.

Lahey Clinic Alumni Association.

Mayo Clinic Alumni Association.


2000 - Curr Chairman Coaching Education. USASA Region III.

1994 - Curr Teacher, Advanced Endoscopic Training Program, ASGE

1993 - Curr Chairman, Sports Medicine Committee. United States Futsal Federation

1993 - Curr International Representative, Argentine Society of Medical Ethics

1991 - 1993 Member,International Relations, ACG

1991 - Curr Member Board of Consultants American Board of Sports Medicine, ABSM

1984 - Curr Chairman R & D, AgroLande Foundation, RA.

1981 - 1982 Chairman International & PanAm Relations, ACG.

1975 - 1976 Member Board of Directors, SAGE.

1968 - 1969 Associate Editor, Tribuna Medica.

1968 - 1969 Associate Editor, Sinopsis Latinoamericana de GE.


2005 - Curr ViceChairman Medical Edicaton Committee WBMC

2000 - 2005 Medical Education Committee WBMC

1995 - 2004 Memember, Recognition awards Committee, North Ridge Medical Center, FL

1994 - Curr Member Bylaws Committee, Holy Cross Hospital, Fl

1994 - Curr Member Quality Control Committee, WBMC, FL

1994 - Curr Member Peer Review Committee, Holy Cross, FL

1991 - 1994 Member Outpatient Services Committee, Holy Cross Hospital. FL.

1990 - 1994 Member Continuing Medical Education Committee, North Ridge Medical Center, FL

1989 - 1992 Member Critical Care Committee, North Beach Hospital, FL.

1987 - 1992 Chief Gastroenterology, V. A. Outpatient Clinic, Riviera Beach, FL.

1987 - 1993 Chief Endoscopy North Beach Community Hospital, FL.

1987 - 1988 Member Library & CME Committee, WBMC, FL.

1983 - 1984 Member, Dean's Committee, VAMC Murfreesboro, TN.

1983 - 1984 ACOS for Education, VAMC Murfreesboro, TN.

1983 - 1984 Member, R & D Committee, VAMC Murfreesboro, TN. .

1980 - 1982 Member Students Affairs Committee, MUSC, SC.

1974 - 1977 Faculty member, School of GI, SAGE, RA.

1974 - 1975 Director of Clinical Biochemistry, CIMAE, RA.


J.Clin. & Lab. Med., Gastroenterology, D.D. & Sci.


Born November 16, 1942. Married, four children. Interests include music, soccer and computer sciences.


Available upon request.